Top 6 Best Permanent Makeup Machine: 2021 Reviews and Buying Guide - Guiding Beauty (2025)

Women are known to love makeup, and they spend the right amount of money and time on buying makeup products. However, with the evolving technology, specific new procedures have been introduced, such as laser hair removal, to remove hair permanently. There has also been an introduction of permanent and semi-permanent makeup techniques that can last for a reasonable amount of time and do not require you to do makeup daily. Permanent makeup can be referred to as a kind of cosmetic tattooing known as micro-pigmentation. Initially, this procedure used to be done at salons; however, things have become much more comfortable with the introduction of permanent makeup machines, which can be used at home with ease.

There are several permanent makeup machines available in the market. We will try to get you the best permanent makeup machines that are available today. Several brands have cropped up in the market in this particular niche. However, for smooth and safe application, one needs to use the best permanent makeup machine based on the requirement and budget.

Table Contents

  • Top 6 Best Permanent Makeup Machine of 2021
    • 1 – Permanent MakeupMachine by BIOMASER
    • 2 – Permanent MakeupPen Machine by Pinkiou
    • 3 – Permanent MakeupPen by VideoPUP
    • 4 – Complete TattooMachine Kit by HoriKing
    • 5 – Permanent Make-UpWireless/Cordless Tattoo Machine by M PMU
    • 6 – Third GenerationTattoo Machine by Guapa
  • Best Permanent MakeupMachine Buying Guide
    • Things to Considerbefore Going for Permanent Makeup
      • Find the correctTechnician
      • It Can Last forseveral Years
      • An Artist’s WorkShould be Checked Beforehand
      • The Colour would fadewith time
      • Anyone Can Do It
    • Benefits of PermanentMakeup
      • Reduce the effect ofcertain medical conditions
      • Save on expenditureon expensive cosmetics
      • Saves a lot of time
      • Changes your look onan immediate basis
  • Frequently AskedQuestions (FAQs)
  • Conclusion

Top 6 Best Permanent Makeup Machine of 2021

It might be a challenging task to find the best permanent makeupmachine; however, to make your work more comfortable, we have compiled a listof top 6 permanent makeup machines that have been recommended by professionalmakeup artists and dermatologists. You do not need any expertise to use thesemachines as they are quite convenient to use.

1 – Permanent MakeupMachine by BIOMASER

The permanent makeup machine kit by BIOMASER is a multi-functional machine that is quite versatile. It can quickly produce permanent makeup, aid in skin tightening, create body tattoos, improves wrinkles, and treat acne scars. Besides this, one can choose from the different thickness options in needles, which can help you get the perfect style that you are looking for. The design functions of this permanent makeup machine can run at frequencies between 8,000-10,000 rpm. Even after running at high frequencies, the BIOMASER kit does not create much noise.

This permanent makeup kit comes with a 12V powerful coreless motor thatmakes it sturdier and more durable. The handpiece also has an adjustable scalefor controlling the depth of the cartridge needles. Another benefit of theBIOMASER kit is that its ink does not fade quickly and can last for several years.The kit also comes with inbuilt circuit protection that prevents any types ofshocks while using the kit. It is also easy to use and an excellent option forbeginners.

Key Features

  • Includes microblading pigment, foot pedal, ringink cup, and practice skin
  • Creative Design with Short Circuit Protection
  • Adjustable speed controller
  • The adjustable motor of 8000-10000 r/m
  • Adjustable scale


  • Easy to use
  • Light in weight compared to the best permanent makeup machines on the market
  • Good for beginners
  • Comes in a sturdy box
  • Value for money


  • The machine is not very durable

2 – Permanent MakeupPen Machine by Pinkiou

The Permanent Makeup Pen Machine by Pinkiou is a modern applianceas it is convenient to use and has an innovative design. The high-performancedevice can run at a frequency of up to 15,000 r/m. One can use it for eyelids,eyebrows, small digital tattoos, and lips. The length of the needle can beadjusted by rotating the ring. The safety cap on the machine makes using the machinemore secure. The machine has a strong and sturdy construction and makes aminimum amount of noise.

Pinkiou Makeup Machine has an anodized silver surface along with anaircraft aluminum alloy. It also has a perfect surface finish. It can beoperated easily due to its lightweight design. This permanent makeup machinehas two times longer working life than conventional machines. It is suitablefor use by beginners as well as professionals.

Key Features

  • Suitable for eyeliner, eyebrows, hairline, andlips
  • Speed adjustable between 10,000-15,000 r/m
  • Adjustable needle length
  • Anodized silver surface
  • Made with aircraft aluminum alloy


  • Low noise
  • Sturdy and stable
  • Lightweight design
  • Easy to control
  • Excellent customer service


  • Quality of the needles are not good

3 – Permanent MakeupPen by VideoPUP

The Permanent Makeup Pen by VideoPUP is a top-rated device that can beused for eyebrows tattoo, permanent lip liner, eyelash enhancement, andtinting. One can even use it for body tattoo design. This Permanent Makeup Penis made from aluminum alloy and is highly functional. It is easy to control andcan get the work done quickly with complete precision. The makeup pen can runat a frequency of up to 8000 r/m.

VideoPUP’s Makeup Tattoo Pen is light in weight and haseasy-to-change needles in it. It has a beautiful appearance as it is engravedwith a dragon pattern. The design is exquisite, making it quite durable. The machinehas a reliable horsepower and power supplies but at the same timedoesn’t make much noise. The complete package contains a tattoo eyebrowmachine, an AC adapter, 50 needles, and 50 tips.

Key Features

  • Engraved with dragon totem pattern
  • Strong horsepower
  • Contains eyebrow machine, AC adapter, 50needles, and 50 tips
  • Pen Size: 2.5 x 0.6 x 0.4cm
  • Needle Size: 5 x 0.03cm


  • Easy to use
  • Lightweight design
  • High quality built
  • Multifunctional


  • Doesn’t come with instructions
  • Quality and durability issues

4 – Complete TattooMachine Kit by HoriKing

Horiking’s Tattoo Machine Kit is a high-quality makeup kit that has amulti-functional eyebrow/tattoo pen for doing permanent makeup. Therotatory pen is a high-speed gun that works precisely and quickly. It hasaluminum construction, which makes it highly durable and easy to use. It has anergonomic design that wouldn’t cause any discomfort while using the machine.This lightweight makeup machine has a Swiss coreless motor that makes verylittle noise and produces very little heat. There is also a telescopic handlethat has a ball inside.

Another benefit of this Permanent Makeup Kit is that you can sendpictures through the USB port quickly. There are 15 needles available in thiskit. The length of the needles in this machine can be easily adjusted. The machinehas a rotating speed of up to 20,000 r/m. It is a perfect kit for beginners anddoesn’t need any prior training.

Key Features

  • Swiss coreless motor
  • Telescopic handle
  • Disposable tattoo needles
  • Contains multi-functional tattoo / eyebrowtattoo pen
  • Pictures can be sent via USB


  • Low noise operation
  • Easy to control
  • Low vibrations
  • The needle length can be easily adjusted


  • Can be tricky to handle compared to best permanent makeup machines that are available on the market.

5 – Permanent Make-UpWireless/Cordless Tattoo Machine by M PMU

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The Permanent Makeup Machine by M PMU is a cordless machine that worksusing a lithium battery or an AC/DC adapter. Once it is fully charged, it canrun for up to 3 hours, giving you enough time to work on your permanent makeup.The charging time of the battery is approximately 2 hours. This makeup machinehas a quiet operation and runs efficiently. The micro shading makeup machine iscrafted with an aircraft aluminum alloy that makes it quite durable. Thismakeup machine has three different speed controls, making it convenient to use.Additionally, the needles in this machine can be easily adjusted.

M PMU Tattoo Machine can work at a rotating speed of up to 16000 r/m. Ithas an ergonomic and lightweight design that makes it easy to use. The MakeupPen comes in 4 different color options of gold, black, silver, and rose gold.

Key Features

  • Wireless design for better mobility
  • The makeup pen is made from aircraft Aluminiumalloy
  • 5V powerful motor
  • 60-minute charging time
  • 3-speed controls


  • Long battery life
  • Comfortable and easy to use
  • Can work for up to 3 hours
  • Powerful and solid construction
  • Lightweight design


  • Quality of battery is not good
  • One might face compatibility issues with needles

6 – Third GenerationTattoo Machine by Guapa

Guapa’s Third Generation Tattoo Machine is a lightweight makeup pen thathas a powerful swiss motor. It has a stable control panel and built-inbatteries, which can run for up to 6 hours after a full charge. The ergonomicand portable design ensures maximum comfort to the user and makes sure you donot get tired even after extreme usage. One can also adjust the length of theneedles in this machine. The machine has a special transmission structure thatensures high performance with minimal noise. It is lightweight and strong dueto the all-aluminum frame.

With a 4-mode working technology, this makeup machine can be used forblow, lips, eye, and med. Each of these modes has different speeds and workingvoltage, suiting various kinds of works. One can even adjust the speed with theUP/DOWN button. The kit also has an LCD Digital Display and a touchscreen forenhanced convenience.

Key Features

  • Stable control panel
  • Lightweight and ergonomic design
  • Built-in batteries
  • Touch screen and LCD
  • Special transmission structure
  • Has a powerful Swiss motor


  • Quiet operation
  • Easy to use
  • Can work up to 6 hours
  • Portable machine
  • Good customer service


  • One might face a problem with needles after sometime

Best Permanent MakeupMachine Buying Guide

The Permanent makeup machines make use of pigmentation or micro-demographics for depositing colored pigments to the top reticular layer of the skin. Permanent makeup can be referred to as a decorative treatment where one inserts pigments to the skin on the face with the help of a thin needle, very much similar to getting a tattoo. With the help of permanent makeup, the natural beauty is made prominent by enhancing the features of your eyebrows, lips, eyeliners, or hairline. This helps to save a reasonable amount of time and money that is spent on cosmetics and airbrush makeup kits.

In this buying guide, we have included the points that need to be keptin mind before going for permanent makeup along with the benefits of gettingpermanent makeup.

Things to Considerbefore Going for Permanent Makeup

In case you are looking for a non-surgical restoration, or if you wantto add a long-lasting step to your beauty regime, there are several points thatyou need to keep in mind before proceeding for permanent makeup. These thingsare as follows:

Find the correctTechnician

While searching for an artist, you should keep three things in yourmind: artistry, safety, and the technique. Artistry is essential to factor asany negative results can result in disfiguring. Secondly, permanent makeupshould be safe and should not result in any side-effects. Lastly, the techniqueis applied for permanent makeup is also important as a wrong technique canresult in your skin looking patchy. For all these things, finding the correcttechnician for getting permanent makeup is significant.

It Can Last forseveral Years

Permanent makeup, just like tattoos, can last for a long time beforethey start fading. The fading can be caused due to sun exposure and canincrease with time. The lasting time for permanent makeup can vary from oneindividual to another; however, generally, it can last for two to five yearswithout needing any touch-up.

An Artist’s WorkShould be Checked Beforehand

Before you delve into the world of permanent makeup and decide upon apermanent makeup artist, you should check out the previous works of theartists. You can even talk to any past clients that the artists have workedfor. This will make you understand the type of service provided by the artists,along with any negative points that he/she might have.

The Colour would fadewith time

Whatever permanent makeup you might get, you should know that it willultimately fade with time. This can be due to several factors such as skintype, sun exposure, etc. Also, generally after four to six weeks, the colorlooks around 50 percent lighter than the initial pigmentation.

Anyone Can Do It

For permanent makeup, there is nothing known as the “ideal candidate.”This procedure can be undertaken by anyone irrespective of gender, age, or ethnicity.The only exception to this treatment is pregnant or breastfeeding women andanyone who is undergoing cancer treatment.

Benefits of PermanentMakeup

Besides providing you with a natural-looking and beautiful enhancementsto the skin tightening, permanent makeup can also address several otherconcerns. Some of them are as follows:

Reduce the effect ofcertain medical conditions

With the help of permanent makeup, one can reduce the adverse effects ofcertain types of medical treatments such as chemotherapy. For people that havealopecia or have their hair affected by chemotherapy, one can create permanenteyebrows and hairline. Permanent pigmentation can also be used by individualswho have muscular disorders, as these people might face issues in applying makeupdaily.

Save on expenditureon expensive cosmetics

Permanent makeup can help you have your makeup on point always. Thiswould help you save on the right amount of money that is spent on buyingexpensive cosmetics such as gels, pencils, and brushes. You can even get apermanent makeup machine for yourself and save on going to the salon forapplying permanent makeup.

Saves a lot of time

It is a well-known fact that a lot of time is spent daily on makeupapplication. From perfect eyebrows to getting your lips lined, anextraordinary amount of time spent on applying makeup. This time is saved whenyou use permanent makeup, and you can utilize this time to do somethingconstructive or rest for a little longer. The only time you need to spend is oncleaning and moisturizing your skin.

Changes your look onan immediate basis

Unlike other cosmetic treatments, with permanent makeup, one does notneed to wait for some time before seeing the desired outcome. You would be ableto see the required changes as soon as you apply the pigments on the skin.

Frequently AskedQuestions (FAQs)

How much does permanent makeup cost?

The procedure of permanent makeup or digital tattoo can cost anywhere between $50to $800 for every procedure. The cost of the process is dependent on the type of makeup, the total number of visits needed, and the body part where permanent makeup is applied. Also, since permanent makeup is a cosmetic procedure, hence it is not covered under health insurance generally.

Is permanent makeup safe?

Applying permanent makeup is generally considered a safe procedure. Although it has the same risks as using tattoos, it does not have any severe repercussions. To summarize in all, the most severe risk can be the possibility of infection that can happen due to improperly sanitized equipment and tools.

Does permanent makeup have side effects?

Generally, permanent makeup does not have any significant side effects. However, depending on your skin type and the extent of makeup, one might experience swelling on applying lip and eyeliner permanent makeup. Alternatively, in some cases, some people might experience bruising, although it would be quite minor and would subsidize in a few days. Another symptom that can occur is a tenderness, which would fade as time passes. Typically, one can assume that all these minor side effects would disappear within 4-5 days.

Is permanent makeup painful?

As much as it is claimed otherwise, having permanent makeup done can turn out to be a painful procedure. However, these days the makeup artists generally have an anesthetic spray or gel that can easily subsidize the pain and make the procedure less painful. This is a numbing cream that is applied to the respective area before starting the method of permanent makeup. The process of permanent makeup might feel like a knife-prick in case you are using it on the eyebrows. Even after this, the procedure is not such that a person needs to refuse from getting permanent makeup done. The process of permanent makeup micro-blading can be even less painful.

How long does permanent makeup last?

Permanent makeup can last for a good number of years easily. One can expect gradual fading after undergoing any micro-pigmentation procedure. The period can vary from individual to individual according to their skin type, exposure to the sun, and the type of shade that had been used for permanent makeup. The general colors can last for 3 to 5 years; however, some colors can last for up to 10 years easily.


In the past few years, there has been growth in the number of brands and machines that have come up for applying permanent makeup. Here we have shortlisted the top 6 permanent makeup machines for based on their ease-of-use, versatility, and efficiency.

Top 6 Best Permanent Makeup Machine: 2021 Reviews and Buying Guide - Guiding Beauty (6)

Dr. James Conway

Plastic surgeon and IPL professional. Combining the best technologies with professional skills to help clients become happier.

Top 6 Best Permanent Makeup Machine: 2021 Reviews and Buying Guide - Guiding Beauty (2025)


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